这个农历新年,一起到G Hotel 享用大餐庆丰年!
Celebrate Chinese New Year at the G Hotel this year!!!
G Hotel 配合今年农历新年的“狗年”,推出了【旺旺招财】的8-course丰盛晚餐配套!价钱为RM 1288 的Happiness Package;RM 1488的Prosperity Package 和RM 1688的Longevity Package。 晚宴的日期从2月5日至3月3日,为期一个月。值得一提的是,G Hotel 没有限定一定要两桌或三桌才可以预订农历新年套餐。就算你只是十个人(一桌),依然可以预订来这里享用收工晚宴/开工晚宴或是聚餐。。。
Let’s usher in the year of the Dog with an 8-course dinner here at G Hotel with friends and family to make the festive celebration an enjoyable one. The sumptuous dinner is available for a month long of celebration starting from 05 February till 03 March 2018. G Hotel has come up with three packages namely Happiness, Prosperity and Longevity at the price of RM1288, RM1488 and
RM1688 respectively per table of 10 persons.
G Hotel Lobby 大厅
底楼是酒店柜台,吧台,和Taste Cafe 餐厅
Happiness package : RM1288/table (10 pax)
财源滚滚来(七彩三文鱼生) Fresh Salmon Yee Shang
贺喜气洋洋(干贝菜胆百花鱼鳔汤 )Double Boiled Stuffed Fish Maw Soup with Dried Scallop & Vegetable (位上Individual Serving)
金凤报佳音(杏片鲜草莓酥鸡扒)Deep Fried Boneless Chicken with Strawberry Sauce
金龙献祥瑞(金皇沙奶油明虾)Fried King Prawns in Golden Salted Egg Yolk
好市齐发财(冬菇鲍贝蠔豉发菜烩兰花)Braised Pacific Clam, Black Mushrooms, Dried Oyster & Sea Moss with Broccoli
一帆好风顺(甲必丹酱炸红狮鱼)Deep-Fried Red Lion Fish with Kapitan Sauce
吉祥又富贵(熏鸭丝干炒太子面)Stir-Fried Prince Noodles with Shredded Smoke Duck Breast
金球辉影照(珍珠魔豆蜜瓜西米露)Chill Honeydew Melon with Peark Boba (位上Individual Serving)
Prosperity Package : RM1488/table (10 pax)
财源滚滚来(七彩三文鱼生) Fresh Salmon Yee Shang
贺喜气洋洋(干贝菜胆百花鱼鳔汤 )Double Boiled Stuffed Fish Maw Soup with Dried Scallop & Vegetable (位上Individual Serving)
飞雁报春来( 挂炉烧鸭跟花包)Roasted Duck with Flower Bun
嘻哈齐欢笑(牛油麦香炒明虾)Fried King Prawns with Butter & Oats
锦绣全家福(冬菇海参蠔豉发菜烩兰花)Braised Sea Cucumber, Black Mushrooms, Dried Oyster & Sea Moss with Broccoli
龙鱼求得来( 清蒸石斑)Steamed Garoupa in Supreme Soya Sauce
金银贯满屋( X.O. 酱虾粒炒饭) Fried Rice with Prawns Meat in X.O. Sauce
合家庆团圆(龙眼莲子黑芝麻汤圆 )Sweetened Longan & Lotus Nuts with Black Sesame Glutinous Rice Balls (位上Individual Serving)
Longevity Package : RM1688/table (10 pax)
财源滚滚来(七彩三文鱼生) Fresh Salmon Yee Shang
贺喜气洋洋(干贝菜胆百花鱼鳔汤 )Double Boiled Stuffed Fish Maw Soup with Dried Scallop & Vegetable (位上Individual Serving)
云鹊报春归(挂炉烧鸭拼草莓酥鸡)Roasted Duck Combination with Strawberry Chicken
龙凤喜呈祥(松子龙珠果虾球炒带子)Stir-Fried Shell-less Prawns & Fresh Scallop with Dragon Fruit & Pine Seeds
花开显富贵(红烧鲍鱼,猴头菇,蠔豉发菜烩兰花)Braised Whole Abalone Dried Oyster, Monkey Head Mushrooms & Sea Moss with Broccoli
年年庆有余(X.O.酱蒸石斑)Steamed Garoupa in X.O. Sauce
世代财进宝(香椿鸡粒黄梨船炒饭)Chinese Toon & Chicken Meat Fried Rice in Pineapple Boat
黄金庆丰年(热莲子羹跟炸芝麻加央包)Hot Leng Chee Kang with Fried Sesame Kaya Bun (位上Individual Serving)
Booking is required at the function room for Happiness package (RM1,288), Prosperity package (RM 1,488) and Longevity Package (RM1,688). Guests can now pre-book just one table for any of the 3 CNY dinner package (10 persons per table). The CNY 8-course dinner is applicable at both G Hotel Gurney and G Hotel Kelawai.
*** Many thanks G Hotel for the food review invitation on PREMIUM package @ RM 1699/table (10 pax)
特别感谢G Hotel 的邀约
今天Cony想向大家推介的是G Hotel 农历新年【旺旺招财】的8-course丰盛晚餐配套!承蒙厚爱,Cony非常荣幸地被受邀请出席农历新年晚宴发布会。我们享用的是RM1688的Longevity Package。每个配套包含了【七彩三文鱼生】和free flow 中国茶。RM1688 的Longevity Package 焦点在于【干贝菜胆百花鱼鳔汤 】和【挂炉烧鸭拼草莓酥鸡】。而为了让食用者拥有回家过年的感觉,【松子龙珠果虾球炒带子】里的虾只已去壳,并经过腌制才翻炒,让你可以轻松的马上食用,不必劳碌剥虾壳。主厨也特意挑选了进口的带子,不但大颗也比较鲜甜。华人文化相信带子象征着平安长寿,是团圆饭桌上的常客。
接下来的【红烧鲍鱼,猴头菇,蠔豉发菜烩兰花】也是重头戏之一。春节一定要年年有余,因此新年聚餐少不了一整条的鱼。因此有【X.O.酱蒸石斑】接着搭配【香椿鸡粒黄梨船炒饭】。最后,再以甜点【热莲子羹跟炸芝麻加央包】,让整个聚餐画下完美的句点。从菜单里的种种菜色不难发现G Hotel 厨师们的用心,以创意手法引进了华人农历新年必吃的传统美食。喜欢吃自助餐的你,也许今年您可以在除夕、年初一和年初二,到G Hotel Gurney Taste Cafe或G Hotel Kelawai Spoon Cafe 与家人一起吃自助晚餐团圆饭,以不同的方式团聚。
CNY Reunion Dinner
15th February 2018
Taste Cafe - RM 188 (Children & senior citizens RM 88)
Spoon Cafe - RM 178 (Children & senior citizens RM 78)
Gong Xi Fa Cai Lunch
16th -17th February 2018
Taste Cafe - RM 120 (Children & senior citizens RM 60)
Prosperity CNY Dinner
16th -17th February 2018
Taste Cafe - RM 188 (Children & senior citizens RM 88)
Spoon Cafe - RM 108 (Children & senior citizens RM 50)
*** Buy 2 Free 1 at Taste Cafe on 16th & 17th Feb 2018 !
*** 大年初一和初二,G Hotel Gurney TASTE CAFE 自助餐还有【买二送一】哦!!! 赶紧拨电话预定位子吧!
* Add on RM 75 for free flow of house beer and wine
* Free flow of chilled juice and soft drinks
财源滚滚来(七彩三文鱼生) Fresh Salmon Yee Shang
在农历新年初七人日那天捞生是由马来西亚华人发明,寓意捞起鱼生、风生水起、越捞越旺。捞生的食材一般会七彩缤纷较为鲜艳。当然,生鱼片是整道菜的主角,越是肥美越代表丰收年。在G Hotel 你能吃到图中这碟新鲜肥美的三文鱼刺身啦!
贺喜气洋洋(干贝菜胆百花鱼鳔汤 )
Double Boiled Stuffed Fish Maw Soup with Dried Scallop & Vegetable
(位上Individual Serving)
云鹊报春归(挂炉烧鸭拼草莓酥鸡)Roasted Duck Combination with Strawberry Chicken
龙凤喜呈祥(松子龙珠果虾球炒带子)Stir-Fried Shell-less Prawns & Fresh Scallop with Dragon Fruit & Pine Seeds
Braised Whole Abalone Dried Oyster, Monkey Head Mushrooms & Sea Moss with Broccoli
年年庆有余(X.O.酱蒸石斑)Steamed Garoupa in X.O. Sauce
Chinese Toon & Chicken Meat Fried Rice in Pineapple Boat
Hot Leng Chee Kang with Fried Sesame Kaya Bun
(位上Individual Serving)
Checkout the awesome video by 1FoodChannel (partnership with ConyTan blog) at : https://www.facebook.com/1FoodChannel/videos/2023509897909453/
Ms. Christina Tan, Director of Communications, introducing Banquet Chef, Mr. Ooi Kok Kang |
Prime as the premium package of all, the Longevity Package at RM1688 features Double Boiled Stuffed Fish Maw Soup with Dried Scallop & Vegetables and then followed by the Roasted
Duck and Strawberry Chicken. To make oneself truly feels back home for the Chinese New Year gathering, the Stir-fried Shell-less Prawns & Fresh Scallops with Dragon Fruits & Pine Seeds will do
justice. The shell is first being removed and the prawn is then marinated to perfection before frying, diners can now enjoy eating prawn with ease. Chef Kang also choose to have imported scallops to serve in this Chinese New Year dinner because it is bigger in size and sweeter in taste, and Chinese believe that the scallop symbolizes the opening of new horizons. Then, indulge in a platter of Braised Whole Abalone, Dried Oyster, Monkey Head Mushrooms & Sea Moss with Broccoli, the vegetables are cooked to tender-crisp for pleasing bites. An exquisite Steamed Garoupa in X.O. Sauce to match the auspicious festive celebration followed by Chinese Toon & Chicken Fried Rice in Pineapple Boat. Wash down the food with Hot Leng Chee Kang and Fried Sesame Kaya Bun. The dessert is served along with Sesame Bun with Sweet Coconut
Jam filling. These homemade desserts will definitely help to end the dinner with a high note.
All the 8-course Chinese set dinners are inclusive of Fresh Salmon Yee Sang and free flow of Chinese tea. It is applicable for private function room only with a minimum reservation of 1 table of 10 persons. All prices are nett and inclusive of 6% GST.
For booking and enquiries, please call +604 238 0000 for G Hotel Gurney and +604 2190000 for G Hotel Kelawai or visit www.ghotel.com.my for more information.

Alternatively, diners could choose to have a delightful buffet experience by enjoying the Prosperity CNY Buffet Dinner in Taste Café at G Hotel Gurney while enjoying the buy 2 free 1 promotion on the 1st and 2nd day of Chinese New Year from 6.30pm till 10.30pm for RM188 per person. Or dine in the spectacular surrounding of SPOON at G Hotel Kelawai, same time and date for RM108. Indulge in delicacies that range from appetizers and mains to soups and desserts. Highlights include eight treasure chicken broth, fried prawn in golden egg yolk sauce, sautéed flower crab and red bean broth with orange skin. Diners could also make their own desired yee sang and stir up good fortune with the wonderful selection from the buffet with free flow of chilled juice and soft drinks.
CNY Reunion Dinner
15th February 2018
Taste Cafe - RM 188 (Children & senior citizens RM 88)
Spoon Cafe - RM 178 (Children & senior citizens RM 78)
Gong Xi Fa Cai Lunch
16th -17th February 2018
Taste Cafe - RM 120 (Children & senior citizens RM 60)
Prosperity CNY Dinner
16th -17th February 2018
Taste Cafe - RM 188 (Children & senior citizens RM 88)
Spoon Cafe - RM 108 (Children & senior citizens RM 50)
*** Buy 2 Free 1 at Taste Cafe on 16th & 17th Feb 2018 !
*** 大年初一和初二,G Hotel Gurney TASTE CAFE 自助餐还有【买二送一】哦!!! 赶紧拨电话预定位子吧!
* Add on RM 75 for free flow of house beer and wine
* Free flow of chilled juice and soft drinks

For reservations or more information about G Hotel Gurney and G Hotel Kelawai information, please visit www.ghotel.com.my or call +604 238 0000 for the booking and assistance.
G Hotel Gurney:
Address:168A Persiaran Gurney, 10250 Penang, Malaysia
Fax: 604-2380088
G Hotel Kelawai:
Address:2 Persiaran Maktab, 10250 Penang, Malaysia
Fax: 604-2190101