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槟城六条路潮州芋头饭 Lebuh Katz Yam Rice 【槟城美食】


槟城六条路潮州芋头饭 Lebuh Katz Yam Rice
Address: 160, Lebuh Mcnair, George Town, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang
Operating Hours : 3am - 3pm

How to go Lebuh Katz Yam Rice : 
如何抵达 六条路潮州芋头饭 :

turn left from Jalan C.Y. Choy , go until a cross junction, and you will see this Orange building on your right

Primary school -- SRJK (C) Eng Chuan directly opposite Lebuh Katz Yam Rice 
六条路潮州芋头饭 斜对面的川颖小学

Building Opposite Lebuh Katz Yam Rice 
六条路潮州芋头饭 对面的建筑物



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