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myBurgerLab at Penang - Muntri Festival 2016 @ 44 Muntri

配合 Muntri Fest 2016,吉隆坡著名的汉堡包店:MyBurgerLab 来槟城啦~ 不过只有三天而已哦。。。而且还有一系列的活动让你参与!赶紧约朋友们一起前往那里吧!

Date 日期 :26th - 28th August 2016
Time 时间: 26 Aug 5pm-11pm & 27 - 28 Aug 11am-11pm
Venue 地点: INCH Food Bar
FB Page: Inch / 44 Muntri
Event: Muntri Fest 2016 / Myburgerlab goes to Penang

myBurgerLab has officially taken over Inch’s kitchen today and over the weekend, exclusively for Muntri Fest 2016, a carnival of new tastes and discoveries.
Head over to 44 Muntri NOW as The Geeks will be serving you the best burgers with a refreshing drink from Inch - while stocks last so hurry, don’t miss this special sneak peek!
But fret not if you can’t make it by today, as myBurgerLab will be here serving the scrumptious burgers till Sunday, 28 August, 11am to 11pm (it’s all while stocks last peeps, so your diet can start next week!)

myBurgerLab这次推出的汉堡包共有两种 :
~ Ultraman (chicken thigh) - RM 25 with soft drinks / RM 38 with Tiger Beer
~ Shroom Bomb (beef patty ) - RM 24 with soft drinks / RM 37 with Tiger Beer

INCH Food | Bar (44, Lebuh Muntri)

INCH Food | Bar (44, Lebuh Muntri)A hidden gem of bar and restaurant serving great cocktails, paired with vibrant contemporary and Asian cuisine - all amidst the cozy environs of the famed George Town Heritage area.

Ultraman:The OG of salted egg burgers - deep fry fried chicken thigh, coat with homemade salted egg sauce
Shroom Bomb:Myburgerlab's signature seared beef patty topped with cheddar cheese and asian shrooms. Recommended for mushroom lovers.

small booth outside INCH Food Bar

Muntri Fest 2016 活动表。。。

INCH Food | Bar

Craft Beer available here!!!

里面还有live band  哦。。。

Ultraman:The OG of salted egg burgers - deep fry fried chicken thigh, coat with homemade salted egg sauce

Shroom Bomb:Myburgerlab's signature seared beef patty topped with cheddar cheese and asian shrooms. Recommended for mushroom lovers.

INCH Food | Bar

INCH Food | Bar

Burger Collection Counter

ALBENS Apple & Mango cider - RM 23

Ultraman (chicken thigh) with Tiger Beer - RM 38
& Shroom Bomb (beef patty ) with Tiger Beer - RM 37

Ultraman (chicken thigh) & Shroom Bomb (beef patty) 

Shroom Bomb (beef patty) - RM 24 with soft drinks / RM 37 with Tiger Beer 

Ultraman (chicken thigh) - RM 25 with soft drinks / RM 38 with Tiger Beer

ALBENS apple & mango cider + Shroom Bomb (beef patty)

Myburgerlab goes to Penang
Date 日期 :26th - 28th August 2016
Time 时间: 26 Aug 5pm-11pm & 27 - 28 Aug 11am-11pm
Venue 地点: INCH Food Bar
FB Page: Inch / 44 Muntri
Event: Muntri Fest 2016

地址: 44, Muntri Street, Georgetown, Penang

电话:04-261 1693
GPS: 5.4199604,100.3356699
FB Page: Inch
Google Maps:


2F+ Coffee by Yellow House, Relau [New Menu available!!! ] 【槟城美食】

* blog update with new Menu !!!

2F+ Coffee by Yellow House @ Bayan Lepas / Relau 是这一区一家不错的咖啡馆。。。是我常去的一间咖啡馆之一。。。每次去都会点些不一样的食物,然后记录下来。这次特别另外开贴,因为他们推出新菜单(Menu) 啦!!!欢迎参考之前的文章:2F+ coffee by yellow house, Penang【槟城美食】

2F+ Coffee by Yellow House 位于 Golden Triangle 对面的转角处。虽然有点不起眼,但走进咖啡馆,你就会感觉它的舒适,环境相当不错;适合午餐晚餐来这里用餐或喝咖啡。这里不但有咖啡和蛋糕,还有其他主食包括:Red Sauce意大利面,Bagel , 三明治,Waffle,Brunch,果汁和Yogurt。 新菜单包括有:Spaghetti Aglio Olio,Spaghetti Carbonara,Bread Lasagna, Cheezy Italian Eggs,Mix Grain Bread (Boat) 等等。。。绝对是周日下午/晚上或者周末早午晚餐的好去处!!!不过需注意的是星期一咖啡馆休息哦~

沿着Paya Terubong去Bukit Jambul的方向,当经过Golden Triangle Condo(右边)时,在左手边就是2F+Coffee了。由于招牌较小,又位于转角处,所以需多加留意,通常店前会停满车辆。走进店前会发现周围都布置满花草,精心的设计会让人忍不住望多几眼,仿佛离开了繁忙的城市。2F+ Coffee的店面是由旧店屋装潢而成,所以与邻近的店屋显得格格不入。步行的话就不难发现这家Cafe的存在啦。




店内不欢迎外带蛋糕庆生,但有售卖不同种类的蛋糕,可以买来享用或庆祝。另外,你也可以包场在那里主办生日趴或其他Party! 之前还有人在那里办求婚派对~
来看看新Menu 吧!!!


2F+ 的人气美食之一: Waffle 松饼!!!
来这里必点~ 只是需要些等待的时间因为他们是现做的


Curry Chicken Pasta 咖喱鸡意大利面

Mantou Curry Fishball 馒头咖喱鱼蛋

Bread Lasagna 千层意面 - RM 15
mushroom + cheese + sauce

Spaghetti Aglio Olio - RM 15.90
olive oil + bacon + mushroom

Carbonara Spaghetti - RM 15.90
bacon + garlic + white sauce

Cheezy Italian Eggs 肉酱起司蛋 - RM 16 
egg + sausage + sauce

Cheezy Italian Eggs
*Cheezy Italian Eggs 其实有点像大山脚Brava Cafe 的 Shakshuka~

Meatball Boat 肉丸面包- RM 13.90
meatball + cheese + sauce + bread

Bacon Cheese Boat - RM 14.90
Spicy Chicken Rice Set 香辣鸡饭 - RM 15
*only available on Fri/Sat/Sun
deep fried chicken + egg + vege + rice

Waffle Brunch 酥饼早午餐- RM 16
waffle + egg + bacon + fries

The Egg 蛋蛋的忧伤  - RM 14

*好特别的名字~ 其实是pouched egg with bacon + cheese

Ham Cheese Bagel 火腿乳酪贝果 - RM 12
ham + cheese + vege + bagel

Banana Kick - RM 13.90
fresh banana + chocolate sauce + almond flakes + ice cream

Baileys Milk (alcohol) 咖啡酒牛奶 - RM 12

Mocha Shakerato - RM 10

Mocha Shakerato - RM 10

Hazelnut Mocha - RM 9

Iced Hazelnut Mocha - RM 10

Bagel Love - RM16

Mushroom Chicken Sandwich 蘑菇鸡肉三文治 -  RM14
bread + mushroom chicken + vege

Healthy Breakfast -  RM15
bread + egg + yogurt
Classic Breakfast - RM 15

Jumbo Sandwich - RM 12 
[ham + egg + vege]


The Special Pattaya - RM  14.00
[egg wrapped with mushroom chicken]

Fresh Fruit Yogurt 鲜果酸奶 RM12.90

Iced Latte - RM 9

 Wildberry Muesli Yogurt - RM 12.90

Green Tea Latte - RM 9

 ** 29/12/2016 更新 **


Spaghetti Aglio Olio - RM 15.90
olive oil + bacon + mushroom

Passion Fruit Mango Smoothies - RM -10

Rose passion yogurt smoothies - RM  13.90


从他们的面子书网页得知,阿贤人情味 - 亚洲好时光的主持人不久前才光顾了呢!!!

2F+ Coffee by Yellow House Cafe
地址:937, Mukim 13, Relau, Bayan Lepas, Penang
* Golden Triangle对面
电话:0124211714 , 0164166262, 0124057304
            星期二 - 四 Tues-Thurs: 10:00am - 10.30pm
            星期五  Fri: 10:00am - 11.30pm
            星期六 Sat: 10:00am - 11.30pm
            星期日 Sun: 10:00am - 10.30pm
* Closed on Monday 星期一休息


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